All Girls Should Have the Right To A Safe And Quality Education So They Can Reach Their Full Potential

10% of all our profits go towards supporting underprivileged girls and young women in Mozambique through the completion of school and graduation from university, bringing cycles of poverty and inequality to an end for them and future generations. 

Hi! Lara here, the brains behind Sheo. My journey from Mozambique to the UK for uni at 16 opened my eyes to the unequal opportunities for girls worldwide. It hit me hard seeing the disparity between my life and theirs – having to drop out of school just to scrape by. That injustice fueled my fire.

I owe so much to the scholarships my mom got, which inspired me to pay it forward. Girls deserve a shot at education without being held back by outdated norms. So, I rolled up my sleeves and dove into projects in Mozambique, like donating school books and food. Let's break down those barriers, one step at a time.


In Mozambique, educational disparities, particularly among women, are stark. Nearly 40% of the population is illiterate, with 70% of these being women. Less than half complete primary school, and only 8% pursue education beyond secondary level.

Despite recent legal changes, many girls drop out due to financial constraints, leading to domestic work or early marriages. The Sheo Scholarship Program addresses these challenges by funding education, offering health resources, and career support to empower young women in Mozambique.


I want to express here our deep gratitude for this very noble investment that Lara, through her company SHEO, has made in our children's lives. I confess I wouldn't know how to measure today the good that these books will do - but it will certainly have a huge impact.

Over 400 school books and 450kg of essential food items donated to orphanages over the COVID-19 pandemic



Throughout university, we continue to cover fees and provide financial support for essentials like transport and meals, along with fully funded internships to build professional experience.

And we don't stop there; we maintain a comprehensive tracking system to monitor progress and provide regular check-ins and mentoring calls. Each student's circumstances are unique, so we tailor our support to their individual needs, working closely with them and their families to ensure they thrive.


Whenever a brand partners with us, 10% of the profits go straight to our scholarship program, supporting bright futures for our scholars in Mozambique. Education isn't just about books and grades; it's about transforming lives and entire communities.

In Mozambique, education is a game-changer. It means girls can take control of their destinies, live healthier lives, and pursue careers they're passionate about. When a girl graduates from university she earns more, enjoys better mental health, and has the power to shape her own future. Plus, she can break the cycle of poverty by investing in her family and community. 


We take a personalized approach to our scholarship program, focusing on the most impoverished districts in the city and working closely with local schools to identify students in need. We prioritize students without dependents who are performing at least at the median level academically, ensuring support reaches those who need it most.

Our support begins in grades 10-12, covering essentials like uniforms, school supplies, fees, and even laptops with training provided. We also offer mental health resources, tutoring, and career coaching. 

Frequently Asked Questions

We don't accept donations as the program is fully funded by 10% of Sheo's profit. When you work with us, you're automatically contributing.

You can also support our scholars by staying in touch with us through our email newsletter. There will be opportunities for you to contribute with letters or words of encouragement for the girls we're helping, so you get to have a direct impact. We all need someone to cheer us on, and your words will make all the difference.

We'll always share updates on the program and the scholars through our email newsletter. We respect each girl's unique set of circumstances, and their privacy. Some girls may love to be on camera, while others may not. Our priority is ensuring that our scholars feel free of exploitation or obligation to expose their stories in order to receive their education.

Not yet but we will be. We are working hard to get ourselves registered in Mozambique. The complex proceedings and required paperwork submission procedures mean we’re aiming to complete this by the end of July 2024.

We'll be issuing quarterly financial reports detailing exactly how much has been raised for the program and the plans to use the funds, as well as expenditure reports to ensure transparency. You can also ask any questions that you may have.

Our scholarship newsletter will be sent out once a month.

We believe in a world where women and men have equal education opportunities. The stark facts of inequality between men and women in Mozambique mean that girls’ education is where we need to focus our efforts. We do want to support all children in the long run, and we plan to cast a wider net with any extra funds in the future.