The Ultimate Guide to Building A 1 of 1 Brand that Leaves Your Competitors Behind



After countless test batches and endless trial and error, you've finally created an amazing product. You love it, friends and family love it, and future customers will too. But who are these customers, where to find them, and how to communicate your product's value remain uncertain.

Alternatively, you have an engaged audience who loves your content, but interest wanes with every product launch. Sales remain low or nonexistent, and you're stumped.

The advice from Google, YouTube, or TikTok can only take you so far. It's generalized and lacks brand-specific adjustments, leading to misaligned products, inconsistent sales, and audience confusion. Sooner or later, you're scrutinizing competitors, sensing something's amiss.

The missing piece? Your brand.
Owning a business and having a brand are distinct. Building a brand shapes your business's perception with your target audience, securing a loyal customer base and consistent sales.

you may find yourself in two predicaments


The Brand Method

Our 8-module course is your DIY solution for building a robust brand strategy. Developed as an affordable alternative to our bespoke services, allowing you to benefit from expert guidance, even at the beginning stages of your business. What sets it apart? Real-data validation - not social media guesswork - and a focus on your current business goals, ensuring every aspect of your strategy is actionable right now.


Clarity around who your prime audience is and where to find them


And Walk Away With...

A brand that is easily distinguishable from competitors with products positioned in a way that is fresh, memorable, unique, and valuable to your ideal audience

An effective plan for communicating the unmatched value of your products, commanding higher pricing and creating premium consumer demand

A deeper understanding of your brand’s purpose and impact on the world to attract a loyal customer base with aligned values

Messaging that establishes an emotional connection and increases trust

A streamlined, data-based action plan for the next 12 months, encompassing everything from the initial structure of your business to a detailed marketing plan, based on your current priorities

Clarity around who your prime audience is and where to find them so that you don’t waste time and money

An effective plan for communicating the unmatched value of your products to command higher pricing and create premium consumer demand

A brand that is easily distinguishable from competitors with products positioned in a way that is fresh, memorable, unique, and valuable to your ideal audience


A deeper understanding of your brand’s purpose and impact on the world to attract an audience with aligned values and to build a loyal customer base

A streamlined, data-based action plan for the next 12 months that takes you from the
initial structure of your business to a detailed marketing plan, based on your current priorities

Messaging that clearly sets you apart from your competitors, establishes an emotional connection and increases trust

And walk away with


A brand strategy assessment quiz to help you identify areas for improvement in your current brand strategy. Your results will also help guide your research in Module Two.

Uncover critical insights to strengthen your brand strategy. By identifying existing gaps, pinpointing foundational elements, and understanding the essentials for an irresistible brand, you'll be equipped to craft a strategic roadmap for your business.


What Makes An Irresistible Brand

module one

A trend whitepaper delivering the latest insights fashion, beauty, and wellness + a comprehensive list of trusted online resources for market analysis, helping you streamline your research process.

This is your guide to staying ahead in your market. Discover how to dig into industry trends and make sense of the data that matters. You'll it to craft your unique value proposition. Most importantly, you'll see how this knowledge empowers you to make smart, well-informed business decisions. 


Analyzing Market Trends

module TWO


Audience research templates with questions to guide your customer interviews and surveys.


Hone in on your target audience and discover where to connect with them and gather valuable insights through audience surveys to understand what drives their buying decisions, equipping you with the knowledge to build trust and authority.

Understanding Your Target Audience

module THREE


A checklist of product features that have been proven as most valuable to beauty, fashion, and wellness consumers and guidance on choosing which to highlight in your positioning.


Guides you through a comprehensive analysis of your competitors' strengths and weaknesses. With this knowledge, you'll craft a unique positioning plan to elevate your products in the eyes of your target customers, offering a fresh and exciting alternative.

Building Your Own Lane

module FOUR


Embark on a journey to discover your brand's true "why" and explore a purpose that goes beyond mere revenue. By defining your brand's beliefs and values, you'll be able to communicate them authentically and establish guiding principles that will shape all your future brand actions.

Finding Your Brand’s Purpose

module FIVE


A brand archetype assessment quiz to guide you in selecting the brand personality that most aligns with you, your products, and your long-term vision.

Humanize your brand by crafting its unique voice, personality, and the role it plays in your customer’s lives. Ensuring consistency across all interactions with your audience, you'll present your brand as a trusted authority. 


Defining Your Brand’s Persona

module SIX


Delve into a comprehensive understanding of your brand's role at each stage of your customer’s journey. This detailed insight will guide you in outlining tailored messages, ensuring that your brand communicates effectively and consistently, no matter where your customers are on their journey. This strategic approach fosters emotional connections with your audience and helps influence their decisions at every step.

Refining Your Brand Message

module SEVEN


Learn how to strategically align your priorities with your available resources to achieve optimal results swiftly. This module will guide you through the process of crafting a comprehensive marketing plan spanning the next 3, 6, and 12 months, ensuring you have a clear roadmap for success. You'll also discover how to effectively track your progress to make agile strategic pivots, guaranteeing your brand's continuous growth and adaptability.

We will give you a suite of powerful resources including a Marketing Playbook offers action strategies tailored to your goals

Building Out An Action Plan

module EIGHT


Brand Strategy Assessment: This quiz will help you identify areas for improvement in your current brand strategy. Your results will also help guide your research in Module Two.

Additional Resources

— Identify the current gaps in your strategy
— Pinpoint the key factors that will help you build a solid foundation
— Determine what your brand needs and does not need to become irresistible

You’ll learn how to:

What Makes An Irresistible Brand

Module One

White Paper: The most relevant fashion, beauty, and wellness industry insights to help streamline your research phase.

Research Toolkit: Your go-to guide for deep research on topics relevant to your specific business. Features a comprehensive list of our most reliable online resources for market research.

Additional Resources

— Analyse industry trends and properly assess the data relevant to your brand
— Use data to determine your unique value proposition
— Apply gained knowledge to make informed business decisions

You’ll learn how to:

Market Trends

Module Two

Customer Profile Template:
(included within your Brand Blueprint)

Audience Research Templates: Questions to guide your surveys and customer interviews

Additional Resources

— Narrow down your target audience and identify where to find them
— Survey your ideal audience to find out what drives their purchases
— Use the data you gather to determine how to build trust and authority

You’ll learn how to:

Understanding Your Target Audience

Module Three

Value Points Checklist: Product features that have been proven as most valuable to beauty, fashion, and wellness consumers

+ How to choose which features you should highlight in your positioning

Additional Resources

— Critically examine your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses
— Identify ways to fill the gaps they’ve left or deliver the same outcomes in a way that feels new and exciting to your customers
— Build a unique positioning plan to elevate and differentiate your product(s) from competitors in the mind of your target customer

You’ll learn how to:

Building Your
Own Lane

Module Four

— Find your ‘why’ and explore your brand’s purpose beyond revenue
— Determine your brand’s beliefs and values and communicate them in an aligned manner
— Define the guiding principles for all your future brand actions

You’ll learn how to:

Finding Your Brand’s Purpose

Module Five

Brand Archetype eBook: This guide will assist you in defining your brand’s personality type, key traits, and role in your customer’s life

Brand Archetype Assessment: A quiz to guide you in selecting the brand personality that most aligns with you,
your products, and your long-term vision.

Additional Resources

— Humanize your brand by developing its voice, personality, and the role it will play in your customer’s lives
— Become consistent across all touchpoints and interactions with your audience to present your brand as an authority and build trust
— Create a visual mood board defining your brand’s characteristics and traits, making them easy to reference in the future

You’ll learn how to:

Defining Your Brand’s Persona

Module Six

— Discover the role your brand plays at each stage of your customer’s journey, whether they’ve just discovered it or are about to click buy
— Identify the key messages you will leverage to communicate consistently with your audience
— Inspire and influence your audience by building an emotional connection

You’ll learn how to:

Refining Your Brand Message

Module Seven

Marketing Playbook: A compilation of marketing actions to pull from when creating your own action plan, based on your goals and available resources.

Organic Content Masterclass: This class will guide you in building a content plan for your brand’s socials so you always know what to post and never run out of ideas!

Notion Content Planning Dashboard: Plan your monthly content across the social platforms of your choice using this interactive, fully customizable dashboard.

Additional Resources

— Align your priorities with the resources you have available to maximise your results and the speed at which they come
— Build a complete marketing plan for the next 3, 6, and 12 months
— Determine the best way to track success and pivot your strategy swiftly based on the data you collect

You’ll learn how to:

Building Out An Action Plan

Module Eight

We’ve designed 8 short, but powerful, modules to help you create a brand strategy that will take your business to the next level. The course is completed at your own pace, so you can take as much time as you need to explore each module.

And because you’ll create highly actionable plans by the end of each module, you’ll be able to execute as you go without having to wait until you finish the whole course!

From Start to Finish

Based on our premium done-for-you service, Bespoke Brand Strategy, this template will guide you in defining and detailing your brand’s target market, competitive advantage, purpose, personality, messaging and action plan.

Brand Blueprint Template

 Anytime you feel stuck, you’ll have a community to lean on. Post questions for advice and support from the Sheo team, as well as fellow business owners.

Private Facebook community

When You Enroll in The Brand Method, You Also Get:

Unlike Anything You've Experienced

The Brand Method was created by our founder, a brand strategist with extensive experience helping businesses in every stage achieve success. Real data is used to validate the strategy you’ll build. Many other courses simply repeat popular business advice without helping you do the research to determine whether it will actually be relevant to your specific brand.


Instead of giving you an arbitrary checklist of steps to follow, we empower you to make your own decisions. You’ll gain knowledge you can use over and over to make aligned choices and create successful strategies. The entire course is built specifically with the goals of new business owners like you in mind. You’ll learn which metrics to track and how to use those results for continued growth or to pivot for better results when necessary.

The brand blueprint

For each module, the research and data you uncover will be compiled into your Brand Blueprint to keep for future reference. Once you’ve finished all 8 modules, your digital (and printable!) Brand Blueprint will be complete.

You will refer to this tangible resource over the next 12 months to always know what’s next and as a refresher when making important decisions.

You’ll also find this helpful for onboarding new team members. Instead of having to explain every aspect of your brand to each new hire, you’ll send them a copy of your Brand Blueprint.

Upon reviewing the Brand Blueprint they will gain clarity around how their role fits into the bigger picture and the overall purpose of your brand. Furthermore, they’ll always have it as a resource to refer to when they need guidance or have questions.

For each module, the research and data you uncover will be compiled into your Brand Blueprint to keep for future reference. Once you’ve finished all 8 modules, your digital (and printable!) Brand Blueprint will be complete.

You will refer to this tangible resource over the next 12 months to always know what’s next and as a refresher when making important decisions.

You’ll also find this helpful for onboarding new team members. Instead of having to explain every aspect of your brand to each new hire, you’ll send them a copy of your Brand Blueprint.

Upon reviewing the Brand Blueprint they will gain clarity around how their role fits into the bigger picture and the overall purpose of your brand. Furthermore, they’ll always have it as a resource to refer to when they need guidance or have questions.

The Brand Blueprint

A Few Questions You May Have…

Every successful, reputable brand has a solid brand strategy. With the right strategy, you’ll no longer find yourself stuck or wondering what’s next. A key part of your strategy is defining your unique value proposition, which will set you apart from competitors and help you attract and establish credibility with ideal repeat customers. The right strategy can establish a strong and memorable brand that will drive long-term success for your business.

This is a self-paced course, so it’s totally up to you. You can complete all 8 modules in as little as 2 weeks or take your time and spread it out. However, we advise you to set your own timeline with a deadline for completion.

Absolutely. Though we will always advocate expert advice and services for brand strategy, we also recognize that different stages of entrepreneurship need different solutions. Many new business owners are not yet able to invest in 1 to 1 services with a brand strategist. Our condensed version of our Bespoke Brand Strategy will set you and your business up for success. The good news is you won’t be completely on your own or without expert support. Our Facebook community is included with the course, so you can ask questions when you feel stuck.

We can’t promise you any specific number regarding the return on your investment in brand strategy. However, we can tell you that without a clear strategy that defines who your audience is, why they should choose you, and how to effectively communicate that value, success will be very difficult to achieve.

Yes! You are in the perfect place to start, because you’ll be able to build your brand from scratch the right way: with control over the image that you’re communicating. It will be easier to move forward making aligned business decisions that deliver consistency and build trust with your audience.

This depends on the results you’re currently seeing in your business. If you aren’t successfully making consistent sales yet, this course is a good place to start. Completing The Brand Method will help you identify the gaps in your brand - AKA, why it’s not resonating with your audience - so you can quickly pivot to more effective and profitable methods.

If your brand is already successful and consistently profitable with loyal customers, you should consider our Bespoke Brand Strategy instead. This premium, done-for-you brand strategy service is specifically designed to transform a ‘good’ brand into a groundbreaking authority in its industry.

No. Unlike others in our industry, we believe that a successful brand is built through a data-backed strategy. The common approach is to focus on design that looks pretty but isn’t backed by any real insights, while messaging and positioning become an afterthought. The Brand Method will help you thoughtfully build out all of the important areas that your brand needs to succeed.

Yes. This course will suit all product-based businesses. However, the examples shown throughout the course will be focused on fashion, beauty, and wellness because that’s our area of expertise.

We always recommend finding experts within your industry as having examples specific to your niche can help you understand the key points faster. But if you feel that our course outline delivers what you’ve been looking for, we will welcome you in the programme!

Our private Facebook community is available 24/7. Post any of your pressing questions and get support from the Sheo team as well as other business owners. Use our community to find your new business bestie for brainstorming sessions, support, and encouragement only another entrepreneur can provide.

Yes. You will get immediate access to the entire program, including the additional resources and learning support files.

If for any reason you’re not satisfied with The Brand Method within the first 14 days, we will offer you a full refund.

Enter Your Brand's New Era

so, what are you waiting for?

Please be advised that your purchase and/or completion of The Brand Method does not guarantee any specific outcome, or return on investment.

While we make every effort to accurately represent the potential outcomes of purchasing and using our products and services, your individual results may be influenced by various factors beyond our control. These include but are not limited to, the time you dedicate to learning the content, your level of understanding as well as preexisting knowledge, skills, network, and financial condition.

The results also depend on the implementation of your brand strategy. It is not easy. In fact, starting to build and consistently implementing the strategy that positions your business for steady growth and sustainable financial prosperity will probably be one of the hardest things you'll ever do.

While The Brand Method is not a magical formula for building a six or seven-figure business overnight, we can promise you that you can count on our expertise, resources, and community.

Earnings Disclaimer

Please be advised that your purchase and/or completion of The Brand Method does not guarantee any specific outcome, or return on investment.

While we make every effort to accurately represent the potential outcomes of purchasing and using our products and services, your individual results may be influenced by various factors beyond our control. These include but are not limited to, the time you dedicate to learning the content, your level of understanding as well as preexisting knowledge, skills, network, and financial condition.

The results also depend on the implementation of your brand strategy. It is not easy. In fact, starting to build and consistently implementing the strategy that positions your business for steady growth and sustainable financial prosperity will probably be one of the hardest things you'll ever do.

While The Brand Method is not a magical formula for building a six or seven-figure business overnight, we can promise you that you can count on our expertise, resources, and community.

Earnings Disclaimer